Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thing #8

My creation
Originally uploaded by wendy's wanderings

Darn it took a long time to figure out which Blog I'm using and how to get Flickr to "Blog This" poster so that you all would be able to click on the photo and view a larger picture. I'm still not impressed with Flickr, but I am impressed with some of the tools that I can use for my classroom

It would be awesome if I could feature each of my students on a poster like I did for Sky. The poster says, "My Life, My Dreams" and the tagline says, "Deaf doesn't mean you can't dance." This would be a good self-esteem building tool and I know the kids would treasure it always.

If I could take them to the computer lab and allow them to create their own poster, that would be even better. I am thinking about creating another Science Website for my 5th graders so I could use some of the Fickr 3rd party applications to enhance the site and make it more interesting than the last. I am seriously thinking of using the jigsaw tool to order a jigsaw puzzle for Biddy, my great-grandmother who just turned 100 and is in excellent health but spends her time doing puzzles with what she calls the elderly on her volunteer days.


TexasRose said...

I love the poster of encouragement that you did of Sky on Flickr. She is such a pretty young lady. I know your other students would appreciate the time you would have to take to make them posters of encouragement, too! It's a great idea.

TexasRose said...
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